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Water Pump BeltUsed in the following:AdvantageEagleEuro PhoenixExtraGenesis TM900/1000GensetThunderbirdUltimaUltra
Used in the following:Euro Phoenix - Alternator
Used in the following:Euro Phoenix - Electric Motor
NO LONGER AVAILABLE SEE TB-50-0166-01-AMUsed in the following:Euro Phoenix - Compressor Drive
Used in the following:Euro Phoenix - Engine to CompressorSupra 922/946 - Engine to CompressorGenesis R90 - Water PumpSupra 950 - Engine to Compressor
SEE TB-50-01166-01-AM FOR UPDATED BELTUsed in the following:Euro Phoenix - Engine to CompressorSupra 922/946 - Engine to CompressorGenesis R90 - Water PumpSupra 950 - Engine to Compressor